In April 1988 the Kirpal Sagar Academy in which students of disadvantaged families receive scholarships, was inaugurated. The Academy started with several elementary classes and 117 children and was extended over time. It now accommodates more than 500 students ranging from five to eighteen years of age.
The Kirpal Sagar Academy is a state approved private school. The classes follow an international curriculum (CBSE-Standard). It is a boarding school, but also accepts non-residential students.
Indian families living abroad, especially want their children to study in Kirpal Sagar, so that they can do their studies without losing their cultural roots, but at the same time learn to live open-minded with a cosmopolitan view.
The education is based on the higher values of life, and the children are taught humanity above outer labels, caste, colour, and creed. The children remain in their own religions but they learn to stay above the shackles of the religions.
Now the hostel for the boarders, as well as the mess and the dining room, are located in one part of the former hospital building and started functioning in April 1989. As the number of students at the Kirpal Sagar Academy has risen to over 500, further hostel buildings were constructed.
In the center of the school, a beautiful courtyard, a computer block, an internet café and a swimming pool were built, and possibilities for horse riding and karate facilities etc. were provided. The Academy always contributes to festivities with a manifold cultural programme.
The school has its own charm to develop the children through debates, declamations and contests which further helps them develop themselves.
For more information please see the Website "Kirpal Sagar Academy"